About Us
When she founded Hylton Casting in Atlanta, GA in 2012, Heather Hylton Bivens envisioned a top-tier company committed to providing the widest range of casting services throughout all mediums of television and film production. A decade later, fueled by Heather’s unparalleled drive, passion, and 17+ years of casting experience, she and her team have achieved that goal, firmly establishing Hylton Casting as the top destination in casting services for clients who are leaders in the industry.
The company holds its team to the highest standards of excellence. This dedication, coupled with imagination and a unique understanding of modern trends in the entertainment industry, enable Hylton Casting to provide each client with a highly selective and extensive array of talent tailored to satisfy their specific casting needs. No project presents too great a creative challenge for Hylton Casting!

Recognizing that the burgeoning entertainment field is constantly evolving to keep pace with modern times and developing trends, Hylton Casting does not simply meet but routinely exceeds its clients’ expectations. The peerless team at Hylton Casting has a mission: to supply creative, strategic solutions that satisfy the widest array of its clients’ diverse casting needs.

Hylton Casting is a remarkably versatile full service casting company that boasts an extensive network of casting services and highly experienced personnel who use their expertise to cast exceptional talent for each project. The list of casting services Hylton Casting provides includes but is not limited to: extras casting, principal casting, reality casting, real people casting, commercial casting, studio audiences, new media, print, industrials, and music videos. Hylton Casting casts for all sectors of the entertainment industry, from film, television, web, and print to a variety of new media platforms.