• Ages 2 weeks old – 4 months old
  • All ethnicities
  • Twins, triplets, or individual children
  • This role will depict the child of the lead actress of the series.
  • Multiple different babies will be cast for this role to portray the baby at various ages.



  • This role will work during the month of December 2024. Must have an open and flexible schedule starting December 5, 2024.


Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas


  • Minor Background performer services: Flat Rate $300
  • Infants 15 days to 6 months may be at the filming location up to 2 hours.
  • Minors between the age of 6 months to 2 years old may be at the filming location up to 4 hours.


  • On the submission form below, please make sure to submit recent, clear, color photos. Snapshots are fine. You may use a camera phone. Please take these photos standing against a solid wall with good lighting. 
  • Really try to capture their NATURAL smile. Looking straight at the camera. Good natural light is important.
  • Photos should be cropped so the child can be seen clearly.
  • Only the child should be in the photo.
  • No eating/food, no massive bows, no hats, no sunglasses, no pacifiers, no filters.
    • Photo #1: A clear, recent headshot.
    • Photo #2: A clear, recent full body shot.
    • Video: Please also attach a video of your child.


  • Please complete the submission form below for each working minor.
  • Your child must also be registered with the GA Dept. Of Labor Minors in Entertainment and have a valid Certification Certificate Number.
  • Please only complete the submission form below once you have received a valid Certification Certificate Number from the GA Dept. of Labor.
  • All children under the age of 18 years in the entertainment industry in GA are subject to the GA Dept of Labor’s rules concerning minors in entertainment. A representative of the minor must register the minor with the GA Dept of Labor prior to performing in GA.
  • If your child is not already registered with the GA Dept. of Labor, please visit the following link to register:
  • This process can take up to several days and if your child does not have a registration number, they will not be able to work.
  • Each minor must have 1 parent / legal guardian on set with them at all times. Parents/Guardians are not able to switch out throughout the day. 
  • The parent / legal guardian on set with the minor cannot work on camera in these scenes. They are to serve on set as the guardian to the working minor.
  • Please do not bring ANY additional family, friends, or other children to the set. Only the guardian and working minor can be on set. 
  • On the weekdays that the minor is scheduled to work, it will be mandatory to bring school materials as they will be schooled on set with a Studio Teacher.


  • Please note, Hylton Casting, LLC and the production Cats Cradle Productions, Inc. reserves the right to cancel any aspect of your booking (in whole or in part) at any time for any reason (including, without limitation, in connection with last minute production changes), regardless of whether you or the production has confirmed the applicable booking. If your booking is cancelled (either in whole or in part), you understand and agree that you are not entitled to any consideration in connection with such cancellation (including, without limitation, compensation, fees, reimbursement, expenses and/or other consideration).  Please make sure to check your email prior to arrival to the production location for any updates. If you have any questions, please email us at
  • Hylton Casting and the production are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
His and Hers - Baby Charlotte Newborn
I would like to submit my child for the following role:
My child has a valid Government issued ID and Social Security number
I have read all of the details listed above and understand that at this time you are only checking my availability. Submitting on this page does not guarantee that you will be booked to work, it only places you under consideration.
Child's Legal First and Last Name:
Child's Legal First and Last Name:
This parent / legal guardian must attend ALL filming dates with the working minor.
Does your child have one of the following government issued photo IDs?

Maximum file size: 5MB

Maximum file size: 5MB

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

If booked to work on this production, all the materials and information about this production are CONFIDENTIAL. Your work and ANYTHING regarding this production is CONFIDENTIAL and cannot be shared via social media or otherwise. Stand-Ins/Photo Doubles can and will be asked to leave set for taking pictures or putting information on social media. Phones may be used in holding for personal purposes only. Pictures cannot be taken at ANY time. If a photo is taken in holding or on set this is also grounds for immediate removal. You cannot talk to the press, blog, Facebook, tweet, or Instagram etc. about your experience or take any photos on set.